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The web is full of career coaches and advisors. Unfortunately, most don’t really have the credentials or insights needed to help someone move forward. They have websites and write articles…

The web is full of career coaches and advisors. Unfortunately, most don’t really have the credentials or insights needed to help someone move forward. They have websites and write articles that just rehash overused platitudes that provide little in the way of insight or direction. Stuff like: Go the extra mile. Do what you love. Always be the first one there and the last to leave, yada, yada. In fact, there is even an online psychic career advisor. “Discover your way to a rich and exciting future. Find your perfect job and financial security with Kasamba’s career psychic reading” Really!

If all you had to do was listen to online career advisors, read a few articles and get a psychic reading, then everyone would have a great career and be climbing the ladder to success. But that’s not happening, is it?

In fact, Jane Artess, research director at the Higher Education Career Services Unit says, “”The web is a fantastic place for information, but it’s not such a great place for guidance.”

How many times have you read or heard, make yourself indispensable, or make sure your boss knows you are doing a great job, or get a mentor, or establish a bond with your boss, or be a team player, and on and on. While all that sounds like great advice (and most of them are), why hasn’t everyone who has read it gotten promoted?  I’ll tell you why, it’s because those career advice generalities miss the true reasons most people do not get promoted. That’s where we excel –

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